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Tropical Storm


Have you or your organisation just experienced an incident that has thrown you off course?

You wish to leave this difficult experience behind you, come out of it stronger and more united and, as far as possible, prevent it from happening again.

  • You and those around you are shocked by what has just happened. 

  • There’s no question of carrying on as if nothing has happened. 

  • You are worried about your reactions or those of your team members. 

  • The event is monopolising your thoughts.


Imagine that you sleep peacefully again, return to a normal life, feel joy and have fun again.


However, this is difficult because:

  • you have never experienced anything like this before, you feel lonely and maybe even overwhelmed.

  • you are not sure what you can do to make you or your team feel better. 

  • you are unsure who communicates what, how and to whom in such situations (for organisations).

  • you don't want to go through a similar situation in that way again.


What can you do? Here are some tips:

  1. Do not stay alone. Share what you have experienced with someone you trust.
    For organisations: Form a crisis committee and plan the next steps together.

  2. Verbalise your emotions or those of your team members, activate your internal resources or those of your team and initiate a symbolic action.

  3. For organisations: Inform, inform, inform... Communicate enough and as early as possible. Do not forget anyone.

  4. For organisations: establish an emergency protocol with detailed procedures and contacts so that nothing gets forgotten, and with your team practise the organisation and care after a shocking event.


As an emergency psychologist FSP, since 2013 I have regularly been providing support to individuals and organisations in crisis situations. I can help you to put structure into chaos and to deal effectively with stress-related reactions in order to quickly return to a normal and healthy life and to leave behind what you have experienced. 


If you would like to find out how I can support you, please call me free of charge and without obligation on 077 421 53 04 or write to me at

For organisations, I recommend contacting ICP Crisis Intervention and Prevention directly on 076 318 67 89 -

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