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Are you frustrated with one or more aspects of your professional situation and is your level of motivation constantly decreasing?

You wish to have a clear perspective, regain pleasure in your work, feel at ease within the team, and use and develop your skills to the full.

  • You are frustrated by regular misunderstandings or friction within the team. 

  • You use up your resources and cannot get off the hamster wheel.

  • At the moment you have little fun at work and often wonder about the relevance of your work.

  • You wonder whether you could do something differently to achieve better results.


Imagine that you go to work with pleasure, stay healthy, make conscious decisions about life and work and give meaning to your activities that are in line with your values.


However, this is difficult because: 

  • you feel trapped in your own carousel of thoughts and that what you have done so far has not had the desired effect.

  • you feel stuck on similar subjects and fall back into old habits.

  • you are not sure what your future should look like.

  • your work also influences your private life and teamwork and you find it difficult to disconnect in the evening.

  • you are blocked in your actions by worries or by your inner saboteur.


What can you do? Here are some tips:

  1. Look for a listener who mainly asks questions and is reluctant to give advice. Talking about difficult situations often allows you to take more distance and thus to see new solutions.

  2. Analyse a concrete situation that has happened. What will you allow yourself next time? Define precisely what you will do differently. Consider one to three things at most.

  3. Imagine what you will tell a good friend about yourself (the team) in two years' time. What will be different then? Visualise your future in as much detail as possible and define first steps in this direction.

  4. Identify sources of energy inside and outside work and reinforce them. What causes energy loss? Ideally, these should be eliminated. But this is not always possible. It is sometimes useful to change your attitude towards it to become lighter on the subject.

  5. Take concerns seriously and give them a voice. Imagine the worst-case scenario, but remember to think of the best. Reality is often in the middle


As a work and organisational psychologist FSP and solution-oriented systemic coach, I have been supporting individuals and teams in development processes for many years. I can help you to understand your current situation, to envision an attractive future, to recognise and further develop your skills and resources and to define, practice and implement concrete and realistic measures..


Call me free of charge and without obligation for a first consultation: 077 421 53 04 or write to me at

Einzel- und Teamcoaching: Services
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